As the year comes to a close, it's a great time to reflect on the year that's been, and set intentions about what you'd like to create in the year ahead.
Taking time to celebrate what went well, and to understand how you created the circumstances for those things to occur is super important in helping you to bring in more of the good stuff.
Likewise, tough times can be a valuable opportunity to learn more about yourself, discover (or rediscover) what really matters to you and refocus your attention on how creating a life that nurtures you, even when circumstances are not ideal.
Okay, let’s jump in…
You’ll need a journal or paper & pen, or you can download the PDF below to answer the following questions. Be as honest as you can - it's for your learning only!
1. Reflecting on the good
Think back to this time last year. Look back over old calendars, journals or your camera roll to remind yourself what life was like then. What were you working towards, hoping for or struggling with?
Next, think about how life is different right now. Write down the following:
What are you proud of achieving this year? What’s worked well?
Now, list the following:
When was your wellbeing the greatest this year? When have you experienced moments of joy, bliss, flow? When did you 'glow', from the inside out?
What were the circumstances surrounding that? Think about the people, places and events leading up to and around you feeling your best.
Examine your lists, circling any emerging themes. What were the circumstances surrounding those moments that allowed you to feel that way? Brainstorm as many elements as possible:
How can you use this knowledge to create more of these moments in the year ahead?
2. Reflecting on the tough stuff
What challenges have you experienced this year?
What are you proud of in the way you handled things? What have you learnt about your resilience/ability to navigate challenges?
Were there times that you made the experience harder than it needed to be, now that you have the wisdom of hindsight? Would you navigate things differently if they happened again?
What strengths have you demonstrated during the challenges you've faced? How could those strengths be useful in other circumstances?
3. Setting intentions for the future
What would you like to experience in the year ahead? What would you like to achieve? More specifically, how do you want to FEEL?
Use the insights from the previous pages to consider how you can create goals that utilise your strengths and support what makes you feel great. To do this, it may be necessary to let certain things go.
4. Things that make you glow
How can you create more of the circumstances that make you feel your best? Make sure you consider them when setting your intentions for the year ahead?
5. Things to let go
Freeing up energy can mean letting go of things that have been dragging you down. Looking back on the times that you felt depleted or challenged during the past year, think about what you’re willing to leave behind this year. What will you feel lighter without?
Perhaps, you’ve identified relationships that consistently leave you feeling drained, unfinished projects that are hanging over your head, or maybe there are old resentments, expectations from others or limiting beliefs that you know you’ll be better without.
6. Save it for later
Often, we start the year with great intentions only to gradually slip back into old patterns. To help avoid this, save your list of Intentions, Glow Creators and Things To Let Go somewhere where you can refer to it easily to keep yourself clear and focused throughout the year.
Wishing you a beautiful year ahead!
About Samantha Dawn
Samantha Dawn is a Mindbody Therapist & creator of the Illumine Method. She specialises in Life Transitions & Direction, Trauma Resolution, Weight Loss, Emotional Eating, Anxiety & Relationships.
Samantha consults in Adelaide, South Australia and online. Book a consult with Samantha here.